Monday, December 8, 2008
6 Things
1) The Mistress- She loves me the most. Actually, she is the only one who really loves me. She is that way.
2) Beth Anne- She almost loves me as much as the Mistress. Although, she loves that stupid Molly more.
4) Food- Dinner, breakfast, dog food, people food, bird food. It's all good.
3) Treats- Love me some treats!!! Woo Hoo! Any kind will do.
5) A warm blankie- I really like blankies and pillows. I have thin fur, unlike the Retrievers, who shed multiple lbs. of hair everyday.
6) Riding- I enjoy the car, especially when I get to scare the crap out of unsuspecting drive thru bank tellers.
7) The Tim- I'll add that in for good measure and brownie points. He might give me a Cheez-it.
I am now suppose to tag other bloggers, but I'm a dog and don't know any other bloggers. Even if I did, I wouldn't like them.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Lucky Dog
Beth Anne sent this picture to my Mistress. The lucky dog's name is Jake and he lives in Georgia.
The retrievers living in my house could never do this! Mocha only wants to lay about on a fluffy dog bed in the Mistress' bedroom all day and could care less about squirrels. Reilly, on the other hand, has the desire, but is too stupid. The squirrels get away before he has a chance to get close enough with all the obnoxiously loud barking he does as he charges down the hill.
I am fast enough, but my problem is Reilly. He is generally outside with me, therefore, his barking makes it difficult to sneak up on a squirrel.
Que sera.

Saturday, November 15, 2008
This and That
In October, the humans made a complete fool of my buddy Reilly by dressing him in a ridiculous costume and parading him through the downtown streets. If this wasn't enough, they allowed evidence of this mockery to be recorded in the local newspaper. To their credit however, they did so in order to raise funds for the Roanoke Valley SPCA.

The latter part of month saw the Mistress dumping me off at camp and yet again driving to Georgia, where she remained for several days. Returning in time to vote, she and the Tim seemed genuinely pleased with the results of the election. I on the other hand saw some redeeming qualities in the other party's candidates ... primarily Moose Chili. Oh well, c'est la vie.
Thanksgiving is around the corner and no doubt I am sure to be carted away to my home away from home. All the while that dumb Molly will be stinking up my place. Hopefully, the Mistress will save me some turkey and maybe Beth Anne will visit me at camp ... or not.
And speaking of birds, soon after Sugar passed away, one of the birds croaked! Not that I care. The Tim, Reilly, and I hate 'em!
Pets are dropping like flies around this place. Creepy!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Uga VII !
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Sugar Is Gone...

she did not come back...
they were sad...
somehow I knew...
she had returned to her youth...
her eyesight restored...
now chasing squirrels and birds...
maybe an occasional jogger...
forever a mischievous little dog...
knocking over trashcans...
stealing food...
or another little girl's favorite stuffed animal...
Sugar is gone...
never to return.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Exactly What Are Her Priorities?
I tried to feed myself, but was too short to reach the treat jar. Not to mention (again) the apparent lack of opposable thumbs.

Even Max was squawking and banging a tiny tin cup against the bars of his cage!

That's the thing about Humans...always caught up with trivial and material things, such as crap from an oyster! Geesh! We dogs would not be caught dead with such useless adornment (unless you are unfortunate enough to belong to Paris or Britney)!
A good roll in some carrion or poop is all any respectable dog needs!

Friday, July 18, 2008
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Other Orts
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Whatcha Gonna Do Now, Thunder?
Now she is spending her time being prudently watched and fed bran in hopes that she passes the razor with no damage to her insides.
She was xrayed at Shoal Creek Animal Clinic (where Beth Anne works) and suspicious shapes and shadows not normally seen in a dog's digestive track were found. I sincerely hope (and as hateful as I am, I do mean this) she does not have to have emergency surgery.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Birthday Dessert

Thursday was The Tim's birthday and since he and The Mistress were going out to celebrate with other humans (people they refer to as their Wine-Dinner Club), The Mistress delayed making the desserts until today so they could be enjoyed at this evening's cookout. A cookout at Pam and Austin's, which I might add, I do not get to attend. They have two lard-assed Golden Retrievers and do not invite other dogs. (If they didn't have dogs, I don't think Austin would invite me because of that over blown biting incident a couple of years ago.)
The first dessert she made, a favorite here, is a Key Lime Cheesecake with Strawberry Sauce. The Tim was not around to see, so I got to lick the spatula! Then she fixed the Tiramisu, which in Italian means "pick me up" or loosely translated as "make me less sad/happier". Yeah, I'll say it makes him happy. I will never get a bite because The Tim will hunker down over his plate, moaning and groaning in a disgusting display of gluttony sucking up every last bit like a turbo-powered Hoover!
And they call me the beast!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Happy Birthday to Tim!
Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Like his five predecessors, all pure white bulldogs, Uga VI will be interred in the specially-built marble vault built just inside the South main gate of the stadium. UGA is the only school that buries its mascots within the confines of their stadium.
The identity of the dog that shall become Uga VII remains a closely guarded secret.
They should consider a female, German Pinscher for the next mascot. Like me!
Saturday, June 28, 2008
In Memory of a Damn Good Dog
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Life Is Good
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Another Tag
Here are my responses.
1. How would you describe your running 10 years ago?
As mentioned above, to bite Reilly ... er ... I mean to help keep Reilly from turning into the Pillsbury Dough Dog. Also to chase squirrels, the most indecisive rodents on the planet and to avoid the human ritualistic torture known as a bath.
4. What is the best or worst piece of advice you’ve been given about running?
Best: Don't give Reilly too much of a head start.
Worst: You'll like the Vet's office!
5. Tell us something surprising about yourself that not many people would know.
I speak Latin: Mordere Ergo Sum - I bite therefore I am.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Arriving In Atlanta Today
Monday, June 2, 2008
Random Emails With Beth Anne (UGA Campus/Costa Rica)
Jessica was here for dinner and we tried to call before your lecture....the phone was busy and we tried again before she left...about 10:40 (our time) but you had already gone to the cabina. I talked to Jordan who said it would take 10-15 min. just to walk to the cabina to get you!!!! That’s a long walk from the Student Union. I told him that Jess and I would email you and set up another time to call. Jessica has the number, so she may try on her own.
Miss you!!!!!!!!
Love, Mom
May 29
Hey Mom,
Jordan came back and told me you had called and I was pretty disappointed. Our electricity went out last night & is still out ... it pretty much rained all day yesterday, all night & it’s pouring right now. Luckily the electricity is only out in the cabinas…I think. We are eating breakfast soon and then heading out to that other lodge for the night ... it's going to be WET, WET, WET! & we are all going to be so grungy by morning. We went on a tour of a coffee plant yesterday ... they also made sugar there - I got to gnaw on sugar cane ... pretty interesting. I got you something really cute there for one of our Christmas trees -- it's handmade too :) Our waterfall hike got canceled though because it was too dangerous with all the rain ...
Well, I miss you and yeah, we should set up another time to call. Maybe Saturday or Sunday sometime. We are trying to finish our group projects in our free time.
Love you & miss you lots.
May 30
So, San Gerardo was a little crazy ... the hike was hard. It took an hour and half to hike to it -- & lemme tell you it was all downhill & in the pouring rain. The whole time I couldn't stop thinking about how we would have to hike UP it the next day. The lodge was really rustic and the view from our rooms and porch was the Arenal volcano which was so awesome to see again! However, the people who run the place turn all the lights off at nine and last night the guy said he would probably keep it on later, but I guess he changed his mind because he gave us a 5 minute warning & just like that, everything went out. We sat by candlelight from that point on ... watched moths burn to death. I don't know why they like light so much -- never have researched that actually -- do you know?
We got back today late afternoon. I finally tracked down a phone card so I could talk to Dad and wish him a happy birthday. Luckily, I got a hold of him after a couple tries -- forgot he was going to the Bahamas. He answered his cell phone ... bet he's racking up nice phone bill down there -- you know he's using it all the time of course. I wanted to call you, but the phone card only had seven minutes on it ... the guy who gave it to me said he thought he had 15 minutes or so, but apparently not. Oh well. I don't feel so bad using it now.
Anyways, I think you should try to get on gmail 10 PM your time. I'll try my best to get on the computer then, but it's a happening place & you know it takes people forever to do anything on these computers.
Well, love you and can't wait to talk to you on the phone & catch up. I'll see you in a week! :)
May 30
Darn.I was hoping you might be around ... called you tonight. Left a voicemail on your cell then called Grandma's & talked to John and her.
Hopefully I will hear from you tomorrow.
Love you.
May 31
Sorry, I missed your call. Tim and I were at Greenhill Park for Relay for Life Walk and I left my cell in the car. Got your v.m. and then we went to Grandma's. John said you called there. I know Mom was thrilled to hear from you.
We are going to be at Pam's tomorrow night for another Morgan farewell dinner. I will try to call you again tomorrow. I haven't looked at your schedule to see what you are doing on Sat. but try to pick a time that I can call.
Love you and miss you, Mom
May 31
Okay, so I'm just sitting around working on some drawings for our brochure ... I've been on gmail for awhile hoping you'd somehow get on ... maybe you are at work. Anyways, I'll try back around 5 my time if the computer is available. Hopefully you will be around.
June 1
We went to Pam and Austin's at 6:30 PM (our time). That was when you were on the computer. Sorry. Remember the 2 hr. diff. We did not get home until 11.
I will pretty much be home all day today. I want to call you.....what if I call you around lunchtime...say 12:30. I noticed you have free time at 1:00.
June 1
We have our group projects due at 2:30 ... I will be around, but cannot guarantee that I can talk that long. If you get this anytime soon, call now.
(Success with the phone call)
June 2
Hey. Sorry I never got a chance to get on the computer yesterday ... presentations went well. It's really weird that today is my last day here. Bittersweet really. Anyway, I feel pretty bad right now. My back is hurting so much ... I think it's because of the s***** bed I slept on ... hard as a rock. I'm about to go see how I respond to breakfast ... I'm sure I'll be fine. Anyways, San Jose has good computers so I will email you later.
Love you lots.
Don't get too lonely with Tim gone!
June 2
Let me know when you get to San Jose. Can't believe you've already been gone 3 wks! Xoxo Mom
June 2
In San Jose. Just got settled into the hotel. I will check in later. We are going downtown.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
More News From Beth Anne-Day 12
Anyways, La Ensenada ended up being the anti-climatic part of our trip. It was very isolated which was sometimes nice, but got old after awhile. My alarm clock was not needed, because instead I was awakened by howler monkeys at 5 AM every morning. It was pretty annoying, but hilarious at the same time to think that it was monkeys waking me up, not birds/dogs/other things you might hear in the States. There was this ridiculous blue jay that decided to join in this morning ... right outside our cabin doors. He is also the same bird, along with a couple others that would sit and watch as we ate breakfast and lunch everyday waiting to see what sort of food they could steal. I heard today that one morning, one of the jays dived for some butter on the table -- yuck! I normally threw some of my toast, but today I was irritated at them for adding to the ruckus. They are huge blue jays too!
We touched a howler yesterday ... it was a young female, probably no older than 8 months or so ... she was swinging around in the trees reaching out to us. Not too much touching though, don't worry …and NO, I didn't smile at her and show my teeth. Ha! (For those of you who don't know, monkeys can find that threatening). We said goodbye to her this morning ... she was biting chunks of mango and then spitting them out.
Most of our time in the past three days was spent doing some hikes around the area and then several boat tours. Nothing too new to see, but we did finally see a bunch of crocodiles. As I implied earlier, bugs were a big issue there. The first cabin that Erin and I were assigned to was infested with these nasty ant-like bugs that fly ... there were hundreds buzzing around in the bathroom window. At night we kept as few lights on as possible. It rained the past two nights… A LOT. Rainy season here is really beginning to start. Not a bad thing though. Cools down everything and provides a nice break from the bugs.
I realized earlier that I eat these three things it least once/twice a day here:
1. eggs
2. tomatoes
3. rice and beans
You know, I worried about the food, but we eat great here! Who knows I may have even gained weight, but let's hope all the hiking and other running around works it off. I'm not a big Costa Rica dessert fan though. Flan just isn't my thing ... tres leches is good though.
Well, I miss you all, but can't believe I only have 9 days left! This trip has been amazing.
You will most likely hear from me within the next couple of days.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Update From Beth Anne

Tomorrow they leave Arenal for Ensenada and will be there through the 24th. The hotel/lodge probably does not have internet access so the Mistress will have no communication again. (She may have to borrow my Chinese herbs.)
During their stay in Ensenada the group will go on a boat tour of Isla de Pajaros (Bird Island). Sounds like a smorgasbord to me!
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Friday, May 16, 2008
A Note From Beth Anne-Day 3
First off, we are still at the La Selva Biological Station and actually we are isolated, but not without internet like we were told to expect. I have waited to send updates though so I could send a better email.
Yesterday, when we first arrived we ate lunch and then walked around a bit, had an orientation type of thing. Had some free time afterwards before dinner so we walked along a trail with our guide (one who will stay with us through most of the trip) ... we were not joined by actual guides who work here until today. Anyways, the trail was paved and we saw some birds, but nothing too exciting. Basically La Selva has a feel like 4-H Camp only in the jungle. We have been staying in a lodge with rooms that hold up to 6 people each - 3 sets of bunk beds. No one knows what humidity is until they have been here.
The rooms are hotter than outside sometimes ... you may shower, but you only feel clean for so long. All we do is sweat. However, they save all the air conditioning for the computer room and I am actually beginning to get chilly after being out in the heat all day. Anyways, after dinner last night we went on a night hike. Basically saw bugs and big frogs. Looked for crocodiles and owls, but were unsuccessful.
Today is where the real fun began ... We were up and outside by 5:45 AM for a morning bird hike/watch. It was okay at first, but by 7:00 we were all pretty hungry and kept seeing the same birds. We did not eat until 8 and then had down time pretty much until 1:30ish. Got some good hanging out and reading time in. We split up into two groups for the afternoon hike and my group ended up going on a 2 hour hike all over the forest. Saw poison dart frogs, a really awesome stick bug, the craziest looking spider, pecarries (think pig), more birds including but not limited to red lored amazon parrots, white crowned amazon parrots, parrokeets, keel billed toucans, chestnut mandibled toucans, orioles, woodpeckers, etc. Also, saw a cool snake and some bats!
But, here is the greatest part -- MONKEYS! Capuchin monkeys and then howler monkeys!! I kid you not I stood 5 feet away from a howler monkey at one point. One was on this bridge that we have to walk back on to get to the lodge ... he walked along with us! It was absolutely amazing. I cannot wait to show you all pictures (if you are interested)!
Well, enough excited rambling. I am in complete awe and so satisfied with my day. I better go though. Dinner is at 6 and I need to start walking towards the dining hall before it gets too dark! By the way, we leave tomorrow at 6:30 AM for Tortuguero. This is apparently where we are supposed to be headed to which believe me, looks a lot different from here!
Love to you all!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Home Again
Now I smell like an annoypid poodle.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
For keeping us well fed ...
For letting us have treats from the table ...
For taking care of us when we don't feel well ...
For loving us more than anyone else ...
Happy Mother's Day

Sunday, May 4, 2008
The Mistress was in the process of packing lunches and placed the last piece of tiramisu into a container for the Tim's lunch.
Two mistakes: 1)Leaving the top off the container. 2) Leaving the container on the counter while she disposed of the original box in the big, blue trash bin outside.
All I can say is that he ate it in one gulp and didn't even have the consideration to share!
Reilly has lately begun helping himself to the human's food, if by chance a back is turned for even a split second. Much to their repugnance, he has even been brazen enough to stick his big, fat, Retriever nose on the counter in plain sight of the Mistress and the Tim. I would never be caught in such a revolting act!
He also steals food thrown into the trash.
Recent conversation I overheard between the Tim and the Mistress:
The Mistress: "Tim, don't put those chicken bones into that trash can...Reilly will stick his fat head in there."
The Tim: "No he won't, because if he does, I'm going to stick a hammer in it."
The Mistress: "Oh...when did you decide you wanted to share a room with Michael Vick?"
This type of behavior used to seem out of character for Reilly, ever obedient that he was. Now it seems ill manners fit his character quite well. I have no ill manners to speak of.
The Tim is at a smelly cigar function, but when he gets home......I'm glad I'm not Reilly. The dumb blonde.
Hmm........ Michael Vick might get a new bitch.
(disclaimer: The Tim has never nor would ever stick a hammer into Reilly's head. He just says it occasionally.)
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Too Bad

The Mistress has returned to this project and the entire surface of the pool table covered with the remaining cabinet doors. They are primed and ready to be painted, which might actually occur before she's off to Georgia again. We will see. The Tim is dubiously hopeful.
As a result of the pool table's current usage as a work table, The Larkview Center for Wellness and Pool Therapy is closed for an indefinite time period. The Tim will have to deal with it and find other means for an excuse to drink beer and smoke cigars with his buddy, Don. When these two get together, I am stuffed into my crate or shut outside.
Since, I don't care for either, I hope my Mistress takes her time. What's another year (or seven in my case) anyway?
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Foiled Again
Crate and food packed in the car. Check.
Leash and (ugh) muzzle. Check.
All manner of preparations were completed and then we started down the road in the direction of...........yes, that's right! %@!&#* CAMP!
My R & R foiled again. To be dumped at Camp. A travesty! All the while, that lazy Tim, lolling about the house with the lazy Retrievers. Disgusting. Why can't I stay at home? Why can't I go with The Mistress?
To answer the first question, as it has been explained to others, apparently I am not to be trusted with the local relatives of the humans living in my household. It is their job to come into the house while the Tim is at some place called Work and let the older dogs out to pee. Incontinence is a problem with Creepy and sometimes Mocha since she obtained senior status quite some time ago.
The second answer has to do with that stupid Mollie, who is still squatting in my condo. To make matters worse, I have since found out she is literally eating the condo. A piece of furniture here, a rug there. Where will it end? I may be a bad ass, but I'm not a dumbass! If Mollie isn't on a manic devouring spree, then there is the bird pooping all over the place or a mass of college students spilling liquids on my sofa and carpets!
The Mistress will return to Athens in 2 weeks to help Beth Anne prepare for Maymester in Costa Rica. She is attending an Avian Biology course there and all I can say is that it must has something to do with gourmet foods!
I guess my fate is sealed and it's off to Camp again. Sigh.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Sunday, April 13, 2008
These are the questions my Mistress fretted about on Saturday as she prepared appetizers for the evening's casual get together with new acquaintances.
Our kitchen resembled the set of Hell's Kitchen and my Mistress morphed into something akin to a female version of Gordon Ramsey. So much so, we dogs kept our distance and rumor had it, the Tim was quite apprehensive about returning home from work.
Late into the night they returned home and it was obvious all had gone well. They had a wonderful time with a modest, unassuming couple, who certainly do not live an unassuming existence. I'm quite sure their discussions covered a variety of topics, the most of which likely were about me. After all, what could be more interesting?
The following morning myself and the other canines formed our own opinions regarding the aforementioned Kroger Corporation when we were rewarded with leftover smoked salmon and prosciutto.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Puppy Love

I know that I am guilty of making fun of humans....humans making fools of themselves and each other, stupid human tricks, human habits, human....well, you get it.
Sometimes humans do really good things. Sometimes those good things involve benefits to the animal world. Especially for dogs and cats.....well dogs, definitely. I'm not big on cats.
The Mistress and the Tim are attending the Puppy Love Ball on Saturday, April 5th. This event is a hugely popular fundraiser to raise funds for animals and also the awareness of the needs of animals.
My Mistress has always loved animals and caring for them (I wish I were the only one) and this will be a meaningful evening for her. I've heard her say on many occasions that she would prefer to spend her time around animals rather than people. Who could blame her? Certainly not I, although I'm not much on tolerating other animals or people outside my own household pack. The birds don't count as part of the pack. I just consider them to be food.