They finally came and got me from "camp/jail" on the Sunday AFTER Thanksgiving. I thought I was coming home on Friday, but NOOOOOO! Seems there was much excitement which occurred during the week and somehow, somebody made the executive decision to leave me there during all the commotion. I forgave The Mistress because she saved me some turkey and gravy. Yum!
The "fleabag" got sick one day, then the next day, Reilly tried to take out one of the birds. Yea for Reilly.....he really does have a brain! Both survived, much to my chagrin. (It would have been a different story had I been there.) And of course, what's a holiday without a tour of the emergency room?
Other news...
Georgia (Go Dawgs!) and VT (Go Hokies!) both won their games that weekend!
The Mistress is trying to gear up for the up and coming week of "The Christmas Decorating Extravaganza". One of those Wine-Dinner events is going to be in my house a week from Saturday and The Mistress is getting all Martha Stewart-ish. The Tim will be on vacation next week......little does he know what she has in store for him!
Supposedly in the spirit of Christmas (I call it "in the spirit of making people look stupid") The Mistress has produced this little number:
Thank Lassie she didn't put me in there!