Tuesday, October 30, 2007

She said The Tim did good!

I went to the kennel again (this is getting very annoying), while The Tim and my Mistress went to Washington D.C. I have not been to D.C. since being banished from John and Keith's house for peeing on the floor. They have no sense of humor.

My mistress said that The Tim ran a marathon, which is a long, long distance. I bet I can run faster and further, if I had opposable thumbs and could open the gate.

They came to get me on Monday and didn't even bring me a treat....just some kind of medal, which wasn't edible. Stupid humans.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Just dumb........

Beth Anne came in from that place called Georgia on the 5th and she brought another worthless bird with her.

She calls it Peaches.

Look at Mocha. What a dummy! Does she not know she has a tasty treat riding around on her back?

I wish they would have let me in the house.

I had to watch this atrocity through the window, while free food roamed the house and rode on the back of the biggest dummy (besides the Tim) in the pack.

Monday, October 1, 2007

The Evidence

The Tim is training for a marathon. He runs all the time and therefore he eats all the time. The Mom is always cooking, which is good for us canines. We get the scraps and the benefit of whatever hits the floor.

There were some overly ripe bananas and usually we get to eat them, but she decided to make Tim banana bread. She said it was her best ever.

This is what was left of it..........I'm not saying who took it off the counter. I'm not even going to say if it was good or not. She thinks it was Reilly.